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Peter LaSalle: Wat is creatief schrijven?

What is Creative Writing

Date: October 25, 2019 - Friday

Time: 14:00-15:30 P.M.

Venue: Room5124, Building 5, Songjiang Campus

Language: English


Creative writing is a hot concept in recent years.In this lecture, Mr. Lesard, a famous American writer, will introduce the context of the concept of creative writing, the situation and way of creative writing teaching in the United States, and the relationship between creative writing and contemporary American literature and publishing.

Speaker Biography:

Peter LaSalle, American author and O. Henry prize winner, is a professor of English at the university of Texas at Austin.

Major works:

A Dream of Falling Asleep

The World Is a Book, Indeed: Writing, Reading, and Traveling

Sleeping Mask: Fictions

The City at Three PM: Writing, Reading, and Traveling

What I Found Out About Her

Mariposa's Song

Major Achievements

O. Henry Award;

Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction;

Richard Sullivan Prize in Short Fiction;

Award for Distinguished Prose from Antioch Review/Antioch College;

Breakthrough Series Award in Fiction;

Best American Short Stories selection and "Notable Stories" citations;

Best American Fantasy selection;

Best American Mystery Stories selection;

Best American Travel Writing selections…


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